17 January, 2013

It's Always a Good Time

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and I realized something about myself. Whenever someone asks me about how my day has been, my general knee-jerk reaction is to say "Good." And then I realize that that is a most bland of answers and I decide to come up with a compelling argument as to why the day is thus. Reasons have ranged from "I got to sleep in this morning" to "I got accepted to a master's program at ASU" to "I didn't completely suck at life in my classes today" (That last one sounds like it wouldn't be a valid reason to label a day as "good", but it actually was all that I could have hoped for at the start of that particular morning). As I recognized that pattern in my thinking and responding, I stopped to wonder about it a bit. Why do I do that?
Good morning and good night...
It's gonna be alright
We don't even have to try

This song is so happy it's almost sickly sweet. And yet I love it. The things that they list in the verses "What's up with this Prince song inside my head?", "Slept in my clothes like I don't care", "Freaked out, dropped my phone in the pool again" are some of the most random things, but no matter what they sing about, the chorus comes back around as an anthem singing out that "It's always a good time!"
While this "synth pop" rendition of positivity is a bit overboard, I love how it portrays such a real part of me. When you start your response out with "Today was a good day...", you naturally are looking through the past 24 hours trying to find instances to validate your statement. I firmly believe that they are there; that if you want to, you can find something about your day that was good. From there, it often takes some willpower, but you can build on that to make the entire day a good day. 
And you know what? People want to be around people who are creating a good day:
Hands up if you're down to get down tonight
It's a lot more fun to be around people who want to have fun and make today a good day. I know that sounds like circular reasoning, but it's true. If you're looking for things about the day to be upset about, you'll find them all day long. And they'll define your day. The opposite holds true as well though, and those are the kinds of party people I love to be around. I've got the power to choose, and I decide that It's Always a Good Time.

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