27 April, 2012

Brand New Day

Bravo subconscious! You've outdone yourself with this one on so many levels.
Of all the songs that I know which are about a fresh start and time moving on, my subconscious picked "Brand New Day" from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.


I was in Germany during the writer's strike, so I didn't get to witness any of that mayhem firsthand, but I hear it was pretty epic. It can't have been all that bad if it forced the creation of gems like the sing-along blog.
Ok, so the idea of every day being a new day is what I like about this song. I'm not necessarily saying that that means today is the day to take over the world with an insidious plot, but if that's what on your mind, then that is what today is good for.
I think sunrises and sunsets are fantastic. They bracket each day, and are (in my opinion) the most beautiful part of the day. The sunsets in here at home are fantastic (I'm going to miss that in CA):
Sunset on the way from Williams to Prescott

Sunrise hike with my sisters

Sunrise working at the church fields

Yeah, sunrises and sunsets are gorgeous here.

What I find the most applicable about them is the fact that they are always coming. Sometimes, it's a bit longer between sunset and sunrises, but you can always be sure that, when the sun sets, it's going to rise again.
Do you know what I love about that?
I love that it's a challenge. I wake up, and there is a day just waiting for me to begin. I only have until sunset, then today is over.
On the other side of that perspective, once sunset has come, I have to let today go. Tomorrow is going to come, and there is nothing I can do to change what today was.
Constancy. That's what I love about sunrises, sunsets, and life.
Try waking up tomorrow, humming music that makes you feel like you can take over the entire world today. Try and tell me it doesn't make you feel good. I double-dog dare you.

13 April, 2012

These Are the Nights

Don't you hate when you arrive just a little bit too late?
When you show up at a party and it's almost palpable that there were tons of people there before, but now there aren't,
when you drive around a corner and see the light turn to yellow just before you could reasonably get to the intersection,
when you come up with the perfect retort- just after the intended recipient has walked away.

There are a million different ways to get there, but the feeling is the same:

I wish I was just a bit earlier...

Well, that's what I ran into with Making April. They are another find from one of my Pandora stations, and yesterday morning, "These are the Nights" was playing on repeat in my head well into the middle of the day.
I wish I could say that I was a fan of these guys from the start and followed the whole course of their career, but alas. I cannot. Barely a year after they broke up for good, I gave that song a "thumbs up" on Pandora (I like that Pandora keeps track of when you "liked" a song, so you can go back to the exact day). I liked the song so much that I actual went and looked the band up. Can you imagine my disappointment when I realized that I had missed that boat?
Rather than let this post descend into a depressing exposé on things that I regret and miss, I realized something as I was humming the chorus for the umpteenth time (I love that "umpteenth" is a recognized word as I am typing!) on my way from Design to German yesterday.

I am so happy that this song exists.

For whatever reason, this is one of those songs that makes me happy when I listen to it. While I would have loved to hear the song live or have "discovered" it before Pandora, that doesn't change one bit the amount of enjoyment I can get out of this song today.
Yes, I could be disappointed for having missed something that could really have been great, but I'd rather love what is great about right now.

So. Embrace the party that got small just before you came. Party it up!
Crank the radio at the stoplight and take a minute to rock out!
Bite your tongue and plot a truly awesome revenge in place of a retort.

It's kind of a strange thought, but empty your thoughts and open your heart to the bliss that is today :)

~PS: in case you were wondering, I am a bit of what you could call a hopeless romantic. (WARNING: I really dislike that website because of how awful it is, but there was no wikipedia page for hopeless romanticism, so I googled it. In this case, it had the most wonderful definitions, that I couldn't help but post it.)
