31 December, 2012

Some Nights

So, to prepare for this blog, I went and googled "Some Nights" lyrics meaning and found a page where people can just write in what they feel like the lyrics to a song mean. This song has quite the range: from anti-war, to post-break-up song, to coming of age, to a same-sex marriage support. I honestly haven't a clue what they're singing about in the song. It's super catchy though, so it really isn't a surprise to me that it ended up on my blog.
I think this is a pretty fitting song to be blogging about on New Year's Eve. I know there's a lot of looking forward to the new year going on right now and that people are making resolutions for what is going to change and improve with the coming year. That is one of the things that I love about today's holiday: it's almost equal parts introspection and party! One of the repeated questions in the song asks

What do I stand for? What do I stand for?

This was a really good reminder for me. I feel like it might be too easy to look ahead at a fresh new year and think about all the things that could be different with the change in a digit, while forgetting all of the past strength and principle which has been built up. I've decided to spend just as much time asking myself what I stand for as well as what I am going to change in the coming year.
One of the sayings that I can't help but respect for its accuracy despite its triteness:

I know who I am.
My family means everything to me.I know my life has a purpose and meaning.
I have been given so much that I feel like I too have to give.
The world is full of people who are really, truly, deep-down good.
Every day is a new day for me to try and grow and change a little bit for the better.

Happy New Year's to you and may this year be full of meaning!

25 December, 2012

That's How You Know

How does she know you love her? How does she know she's yours?

I love this song for multiple reasons:

  1. It's in Enchanted. I love that movie.
  2. Amy Adams singing. I'm a fan.
  3. There are steel drums in this song=awesome.
  4. Central park craziness? Loved it!
  5. This song focuses around one of the most central concerns of a relationship.
How do you know if someone loves you? How do you know if you love someone?
I think that there are a bunch of different ways you can answer either of those questions, but my personal favorite is the Languages of Love
In short summary, each of us speaks a language of love. They are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. While everyone can recognize different ways that love are expressed, one is usually pretty dominant over the others. For some, a heartfelt compliment really does mean the world. Another gauges closeness by physical contact.
For me, quality time is how you show me you care about me. If you want me to know how much you care about me, go out of your way to spend time with me and make that time be meaningful. There are several books associated with the Love Languages theory, and I have read one or two of them. It was really interesting to me to see how much I could apply it into my life (and I'm not even dating anyone). 
If you haven't ever looked in to these books, I'd recommend giving it a shot. It really can't hurt, and it might just clear things up so
that's how she knows that you love her
that's how you show her you love her

06 December, 2012

With Wondering Awe

In case you were so wrapped up in finals that you'd forgotten...

Yeah, there are lots of people out there that are excited that it's Christmas as well. I came across these websites and they made me smile: http://www.whereareyouchristmas.com/  http://isitchristmas.com/ http://heyitschristmas.com/

I had the chorus from With Wondering Awe stuck in my head the other morning. What an awesome time of year!
I hope you're happy. I sure am :)