22 March, 2012

Meteor Shower

I have allowed Owl City to stay on the Pandora station that I listen to most often. And I love it.

I know a bunch of my friends aren't big fans of Owl City, but I am :) A while ago, Meteor Shower was the song that I woke up with in my head. It's really quite a simple song, which I think helped it stick there when I started humming it. The whole song consists of:

I can finally see
That you're right there beside me

I am not my own
For I have been made new
Please don't let me go
I desperately need you

I am not my own
For I have been made new
Please don't let me go
I desperately need you

And that's the whole song.
I've been trying to figure out how I wanted to make a post out of this song. I finally realized this week that Easter is this Sunday and this song is a great expression for me of my love for Christ.

This is my first Easter when I feel like I am truly celebrating the Resurrection of Christ. My grandmother passed away two months ago this week. She was is a magnificent woman, and I still miss her. It was difficult for me to say goodbye to her at her funeral, especially since that was the first funeral I have been to since I was 5 or 6. I think it would have been debilitating and so much more painful if I didn't have the faith in The Plan of Salvation centering on Jesus Christ as taught in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I love Jesus Christ. It doesn't make sense to me how someone who lived 2000 years ago can mean so much to me, but He does. Because of His sacrifice which we celebrated on Friday and the consummation of His work which Easter represents, not only does life continue after death, but I have the assurance that I will one day again get to wrap my arms around my whole, healthy and happy grandma.

The best part is: it's a free gift. There is nothing I could ever do to repay Christ for this gift, and He doesn't even ask for anything from me. As I have sought to make Him an ever-greater part of my life, I have been made new. I am imperfect, and I have things which have held me down and held me back for years. As I have brought them to Christ, He has opened my life and helped me change who I am. When I think of who I was and who I now am, I am excited for what is going to come.

May this Easter be a special one for you as well. Cherish time spent together with your family, because they are one of the greatest gifts you will ever receive here on earth.
Happy Easter


  1. Who doesn't like Owl City? He's amazing!

    Beautiful post. Thank you.

  2. What a great connection! Those lyrics are put in a completely new light when they're applied to the atonement.
    It's true that the gospel helps so much--but separation from family is still really hard. Sorry you had to say a "goodbye for now" to your grandma.
