22 March, 2012

Seize the Day

I have only seen "Newsies" once, and I was babysitting 4 very active children, so I can't really even say that I have "seen" it. I do remember that it was a fun show though.
This morning, I woke up with probably the only line I know from the show stuck in my head:

"Arise and seize the day"

Usually, I can at least hum along to a bunch of lines that I don't know the words to until the one I do know comes up and I can sing along again briefly. I didn't even have that today. All I could do was hum the tune for those 5 words, pause, and then start again. In that way, it became a mantra of sorts:

Arise and seize the day.
Arise and seize the day.
Arise and seize the day.
Arise and seize the day.
Arise and seize the day.
Arise and seize the day!

And that was how I started my day out today- talk about motivating!!

And you know what? Today has been an incredible day. I don't know if I can distinctly separate what are the wonderful blessings which came out of the blue, and which things happened as I was "seizing" the day. I'm perfectly fine with that, and I'm not going to get bogged down in the deciphering. I've got to get out and live up the rest of this beautiful day!
May today be a day of arising for you as it's been for me!


  1. Replies
    1. Cami!
      Yes, as a matter of fact, that was the summer when I watched your kids a bunch! What gave it away? ;)
