17 January, 2012

We R Who We R

Not proud of my subconscious on this one.
I blame my sister, Sami. She loves Ke-dollar sign-ha. The worst part is how easy it is to get her music stuck in your head. I'll admit it:

This isn't the first time I've had Ke$ha stuck in my head.

I only had two lines stuck on repeat in my head, but (like most of her songs) that accounts for about 40% of the lyrics. In case you were wondering, the two lines on repeat in my head were:
"Let's go-o-o, let's go!...
We are who we are."

This may be a bit of a stretch, but I'm going to connect it to a philosophy of mine that I've used for quite a while and found to be wildly successful. I call it "Just Show Up".
What does that mean and how do it connect to Miss Ke-dollar sign-ha? Glad you asked. I'm pretty creative with coming up with names for things, so it might be a bit difficult to deduce. Basically, when there's an opportunity to do something or go somewhere and I have any possibility of doing so, I just show up. One of my favorite web sites ShowUp seems to have caught on to my philosophy and is one of the best tools for assisting in accomplishing it. But even more than just cultural events (which I LOVE), "Just Show Up" applies to everything. When there is a birthday celebration, a service project, a church event, an information session on campus, a study group, a friend hiking a mountain, or going to the movies, I make it if I can.
Does that mean I never miss anything? Heck no! There are things all the time that I think to myself If I only had an extra two hours in the day... I can't even begin to list all of the times, though, where "Just Show Up" has changed my life. Some times, it has been a life-altering event, and other times, it has been nothing more than a quick smile and lift to my day. On the other hand, I can think of very few times when "Just Show Up" has been a negative. I don't think I can ever once remember hearing someone say "UGH, Matt. Can you just please stop showing up? You are too helpful or involved. etc"
So how does Miss Dollar Sign's latest party anthem relate to "Just Show Up"? Well, as far as I can tell, she lives life to the utmost that she can. While her perspective on the world and what is worthwhile is vastly different than mine, she is just as dedicated to pursuing it as I am mine. When she sings "Let's go-o-o-o-o-o, let's go!", she's referring to a rave in an underground tunnel (I'm not going to post the link to her video. If you really feel the need to see it, it isn't tough to find). While that is not how I use "Just Show Up", it does encapsulate the idea behind the philosophy.
So, if you hear me humming "We R Who We R", 1) I apologize and 2) Know that, for me, I choose to say "let's go!" because I am who I am.

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