16 May, 2012

Call Me, Maybe


I'm sorry for this one. If you choose not to listen to "Call Me Maybe" for this post, I definitely understand.


In my defense, this song was written to be insanely catchy, but that doesn't make it less embarrassing to start humming it at the breakfast table. More than once. Or twice. It wasn't in my head to start the day with, but after I got back from a run, something triggered it, and I was doomed to keep humming the chorus.

Anyways, I do like a couple of things from this song, and I'm going to use one of my really good friends as an example of those things. To protect their identities, I'll call them Mick and Mashelle :)

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

When Mick met Mashelle at a game night-esque activity, they had a good time. At the end of the evening, Mashelle said (fairly transparently) through a friend "hey, we've got a bunch of fun stuff that we do. Why don't you get my number and then we can keep in touch?"
It was something super simple and really low-risk for her. She'd never seen Mick before and might never again.
It was something super straight-forward. Guys can be oblivious at times, and straight-forward lack-of-games moves can eliminate grey areas.
I can hear the complaint "But it is the guy's responsibility to make a move! You can't thrust that on to girls and expect them to be the only ones to start things."
I agree. I'm not advocating that there should be a shift where girls become amazon huntresses and ensnare guys. I like the world of chivalry and responsibilities that guys have associated with it. I just feel that there is nothing wrong with a girl indicating that she is interested in a guy.

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
and you should know that
I missed you so, so bad

Mick and Mashelle are one of those couples. They went on their first date in the middle of April. They were engaged in June. They were married for time and all eternity in August.
I really do feel like that there is a certain connection that is made between people who are living right and ready. That there are those who are ready to make that kind of commitment in the face of all those who look at them and say "You are crazy." Yes, it may be crazy, and there may not be (and may never be) a good, sound explanation of it, but they, as the only two parties technically actually involved in the decision, know what they have felt, are feeling, and have decided. At one point, I am planning on writing a post about the concept of harmony. For now, I'll just say that, once there is that harmony between two people, I believe that there is a very real realization that the beautiful richness it brings was lacking (and indeed was a gaping hole!) before they found one another.

Once again, I realize that I am a somewhat of a hopeless romantic. Call me, maybe?

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