10 May, 2012

Third-way vacation journal

I'm sitting in the Island Seas Resort on the Grand Bahamas right now, and oh so very happy. I thought I would type up some of what I've been up to for the first third of this vacation.
I got up at 3:30 the morning of the 7th of May. I got ready and finished packing a few things, then drove over to my house (I wanted to pick up my board shorts that I leave in the laundry room). I noticed that the pool pump came unplugged, so I went to plug it back in, and noticed in the moonlight that there was a kitten floating in my pool. I don't like the neighborhood cats, and lately I've hear a lot of mewing from litters, but it was still sad to see a kitten drowned. I scooped him out and took care of him, but it was still a sucky way to start the vacation.
I walked to the light rail station so that I wouldn't have to leave a car in a lot somewhere or pay for parking. As I was passing Tempe Town Lake, the sun came up and lit everything beautifully (it's been a long time since I've seen a rising sun). I got to the airport at 5:45, and the security line was way long. I was pretty nervous, and it's a good thing I got there when I did. I got through security, and went straight to my gate. I got on the plane at 6:14 and the plane took off at 6:25. Cutting it way close!
The flight was good. I had an aisle seat and read most of the way to Atlanta. I was grateful for headphones: there was a baby the row in front of me that wouldn't stop crying no matter how its mother tried.
In Atlanta, we got in late and then it took forever to get off the plane. I had a 50 minute layover that was reduced to a 25 minute layover. I was luckily in the same terminal (I remember trying to negotiate Atlanta once before between terminals- CRAZY). I even had enough time to stop and grab a hot pretzel and cheese before getting on the plane.

So I find my seat, and there's a lady in it. I ask her about that as a flight attendant is walking up. She mentions that her seat is in the row forward. She then says “you can take it if you'd like- sit next to these two attractive girls.” I just kind of laughed awkwardly and told her she could take it. I couldn't tell if she was their mother trying to set me up with them, or just a random stranger playing matchmaker. Either way: weird.
I sat next to Charlie from Atlanta for the flight to Palm Beach. She was just finishing up her studies in Animal Behavioral Psychology. It was really cool to chat with her and learn about what she was going to do. As we were getting ready to take off, I was looking around, and two rows in front of me and to the left, I saw Austin sitting there. Small world! We were on the same flight.
After we got off, he and I collected luggage, met up with Cicely and Chris, and headed out. We were taking the train to meet the other 4 in Fort Lauderdale. To get to the station, we had to take a taxi. We got there just fine, and bought our tickets with less than 5 minutes till the train arrived.
As we took the hour-long train ride down to the others, we realized just how diverse this trip was turning out to be. We'd traveled by air, rail, taxi, car, and were soon going to be adding boat to it as well. As far as modern travel is concerned,we've pretty much used them all!
We met up with the group (including an epic “airport reunion”-esque running hug), got our rental car and headed in to the hotel. By the time we were actually pulled in and settled in to hotel, it was getting in to the evening, so we had dinner and then went and sat in the hot tub for a while. Everyone was pretty tired, so we kind of just wrapped it up at that point and called it a night.
Tuesday was both a challenge and a blast. After doing a hurried breakfast at the hotel, we went over to a resort just south of the Everglades for a “tour”. That quick tour turned in to a 3 hour 30 minute timeshare presentation. Chantel won the cruise, but before we could pick up the vouchers for it, we had to go on the “tour”. So this large, awkward man named Jim took us 8 college kids around a timeshare resort and spent three hours trying to convince us that we needed to buy a timeshare together. It was pretty awful (he insulted every single one of us at one point or another) and boring (none of us had any intention of buying), but to be honest- at my $12/hour job's rate, I “paid” $42 of my time for a cruise to the Bahamas. Yes, I could have gotten upset, but I didn't think it was really worth it. I was glad when it was over though.
With our entire morning gone, we decided to head straight to the beach, by way of the chiropractor (Shantel had slept wrong and messed up her neck really bad). We headed straight out Commercial Boulevard to the beach that was closest. It was beautiful! The water was just a tad chilly, but that made it so much fun. We waded out in the smooth sands and swam around a bunch. Marc had brought a snorkel, and I found another pair of goggles, so we had two out exploring at any given time.
Rain rolled in, but we decided that couldn't stop us. We took our stuff back to the car to keep it dry and went back swimming in the rain. Swimming in the ocean in the rain is a really cool experience. Once the lightning started, though, we really did have to get out. We split up at that point, and I went with the group to the sushi restaurant for dinner. Sushi is good, and it definitely is best when its fresh, but I still am just not a huge fan.
Chris and Austin had bought sunglasses behind mine and Marc's back earlier in the day, so we went shopping after and Marc found some glasses that he liked which left me as the only guy without sunglasses. We headed back to the hotel at that point to fill out all the forms that we would need for getting on the cruise ship and hang out in the hot tub. While I was planning on getting to bed at a pretty reasonably early hour, Marc and Chris started a pretty in-depth theological discussion, and I just couldn't help but stay up for it. I did manage to get to bed around 1:30 AM though. My poor internal clock- shifted forward 3 time zones, and then staying up super late- it'll be a miracle if my body doesn't give out.

I'll post a blog update with the next couple of days' activities (and hopefully more pictures) when I can. Just for info's sake, here's the list of us traveling together:

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